Top 100 Best Movies (Filme care m-au inspirat)
În sfârșit avem timp să vedem toate filmele pe care ne-am dorit să le vedem și până acum nu am reușit. Dar dacă am terminat lista de filme pe care o aveam? Mi se întâmplă de multe ori să nu am inspirație, să caut timp de jumătate de oră pe Netflix sau Hbo Go un film care să mă atragă și totuși să nu îmi vină să pornesc niciunul. Iar mai târziu, după ce m-am plictisit de căutari pornesc unul la întâmplare și uneori, sunt dezamăgită de alegerea pe care am făcut-o. Astfel m-am hotărât să vă dau lista mea de filme favorite, în cazul în care ați rămas fără inspirație. Filme care pe mine m-au emoționat/ impresionat/ bucurat. Sper să vă inspire. Ordinea va fi aleatorie. A fost foarte greu să aleg doar 100, dar după multe alegeri, lista arată cam așa.
1. The Godfather (1972)- Crime, Drama
2. The Godfather : Part II (1974) Crime, Drama
3. The Godfather Part III (1990)- Crime, Drama
4. The Shawshank Redemption (1994)- Drama
5. Once Upon a Time in America (1984)- Crime, Drama
6. The Theory of Everything (2014) – Biography, Drama, Romance
7. A beautiful Mind (2001) – Biography, Drama
8.It’s a Wonderful Life (1946)- Drama, Family, Fantasy
9.Life is Beautiful (1997)- Comedy, Drama, Romance, War
10.The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)- Adventure, Comedy, Crime
11.Suffragette (2015)- Drama, History
12. Goodfellas (1990)- Biography, Crime, Drama
13. Testament of Youth (2014)- Biography, Drama, History, War
14. Casablanca (1942)- Drama, Romance, War
15. An Education (2009)- Drama
16. Eyes Wide Shut (1999)- Drama, Mystery, Thriller
17. Revolutionary Road (2008)- Drama, Romance
18. The Favourite (2018)- Biography, Comedy, Drama, History
19. Green Book (2018)- Biography, Comedy, Drama, Music
20. The Best Offer (2013)- Crime, Drama, Mystery, Romance
21. The Irishman (2019)- Biography, Crime, Drama
22. The English Patient (1996)- Drama, Romance, War
23. Cold Mountain (2003)- Adventure, Drama, History, Romance, War
24. The Man in the Iron Mask (1998) -Action, Adventure, Drama
25. Magnolia (1999)- Drama
26. Captain Phillips (2013) Biography,Crime, Drama, Thriller
27. The Rainmaker (1997)- Crime, Drama, Thriller
28. The Dreamers (2003)- Drama, Romance
29. Django Unchained (2012)- Drama, Western
30. Requiem for a Dream(2000)- Drama
31.Good Will Hunting (1997)- Drama, Romance
32. Forrest Gump (1994)- Drama, Romance
33.Dead Poets Society (1989)- Comedy, Drama
34.Amour (2012) – Drama, Romance
35. Pearl Harbor (2001)- Action, Drama, History, Romance, War
36.The Green Mile (1999)- Crime, Drama, Fantasy, Mystery
37.What Dreams May Come (1998)- Drama, Fantasy, Romance
38.Kill Bill Vol.1 (2003)- Action, Crime, Thriller
39.All the Money in the World (2017)- Biography, Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller
40.The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999)- Crime, Drama, Thriller
41.Bugsy (1991)- Biography, Crime, Drama
42.The Young Victoria (2009)- Biography, Drama, History, Romance
43.Shutter Island (2010)- Mystery, Thriller
44.Saving Private Ryan (1998)- Drama, War
45.Extremely Loud& Incredibly Close (2011)- Adventure, Drama, Mystery
46. Natural Born Killers (1994)- Action, Crime, Drama
47. Pulp Fiction (1994)- Crime, Drama
48. August: Osage Country (2013)- Comedy, Drama
49. Joker (2019)- Crime, Drama, Thriller
50. Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood (2019)- Comedy, Drama
51. Catch me if you Can (2002)- Biography, Crime, Drama
52. Casino (1995)- Crime, Drama
53. Cast Away (2000)- Adventure, Drama, Romance
54.Sophie’s Choice (1982)- Drama, Romance
55. American Made (2017)- Action, Biography, Comedy, Crime
56. The Light Between Oceans (2016)- Drama, Romance
57. Tulip Fever (2017)- Drama, History, Romance
58. As Good as it Gets (1997)- Comedy, Drama, Romance
59. A Man Called Ove (2015)- Comedy, Drama, Romance
60. The Age of Innocence (1993)- Drama, Romance
61. Ray (2004)- Biography, Drama, Music
62. Milk (2008)- Biography, Drama
63. Walt Before Mickey (2015)- Biography, Drama
64. Patch Adams (1998)- Biography, Comedy, Drama, Romance
65. Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1961)- Comedy, Drama, Romance
66. A Perfect Murder (1998)- Crime, Drama, Thriller
67. Braveheart (1995)- Biography, Drama, History, War
68. Blue Jasmine (2013)- Drama
69. Schindler’s List (1993)- Biography, Drama, History
70. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)- Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi
71. The Great Gasby (2013)- Drama, Romance
72. 12 Angry Men (1957)- Drama
73. Scent of a Woman (1992)- Drama
74. Scarface (1993)- Crime, Drama
75. Philadelphia (1993)- Drama
76. La Strada (1954)- Drama
77. The pianist (2002)- Biography, Drama, Music, War
78. Modern Times (1936)- Comedy, Drama, Family, Romance
79. Psycho (1960)- Horror, Mystery, Thriller
80. The Silence of the Lambs (1991)- Crime, Drama, Thriller
81. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975)- Drama
82. Fight Club (1999)- Drama
83. Gone with the Wind (1939)- Drama, History, Romance, War
84. What Ever Happened to Baby Jane (1962)- Drama, Horror, Thriller
85. Rain Man (1988) – Drama
86. Philanthropy (2002) – Comedy, Drama
87. Pride& Prejudice (2005)- Drama, Romance
88. Lolita (1962)- Crime, Drama, Romance
89. The pursuit of Happyness (2006)- Biography, Drama
90. The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)- Biography, Crime, Drama
91. Dangerous Beauty(1998)- Biography, Drama, Romance
92. Gladiator (2000)- Action, Adventure, Drama
93. Zorba the Greek (1964)- Comedy, Drama
94. Dunkirk (2017)- Action, Drama, Hystory, Thriller, War
95. Dallas Buyers Club (2013)- Biography, Drama
96. Lawrence of Arabia (1962)- Adventure, Biography, Drama, History, War
97. The Danish Girl (2015)- Biography, Drama, Romance
98. Reservoir Dogs (1992)- Crime, Drama, Thriller
99. I Am Sam (2001)- Drama
100. Adaptation( 2002)- Comedy, Drama
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