The art is happening at the Artists’s nest and it is UAU
The art is happening. At the “Artists’s nest” the art is really happening. It is a place where the people are nourishing with art and they never get tired of doing it. I had the luck to discover this place in a ‘UAU’ project. This is the name of our theater show that will have the premiere on 18th February. There’s no place I rather be this week than Artists’s nest, because we are going to play UAU everyday starting 18th February until 24th February, twice per night. Don’t forget to make a reservation. Besides the joy of working to as new theater play and character, I had the opportunity to meet on stage my dear colleagues, fact that made me so happy. Tesla generation rocks! In this UAU theater show I’ll be playing next to: Vlad Basarabescu, one of the first’s members of artists’s nest, Adrian Piciorea, Carla Mihai, Gloria Melu, Frederic Negrescu and Cătălin Gheorghiu. We are waiting for you every night to be UAU together. Let me tell the story I discovered about this place, I heard some think, but now I can tell you what and how I felt being there. Artists’s nest is a dream that become come true 4 years ago and since then it grew up in one year like others in ten. It started from a discussion in train between two young and ambitious dreamers: Victor Ţăpeanu and Vlad. Victor could not pull out of his head an idea, to bring an european form of theater that he discovered in...