Green Shakshuka
You will fall in love with this recipe. For lovers of green on the plate is the ideal dish.
Healthy, delicious, it prepares quickly, it already sounds too good doesn’t it?
Let’s see how we make this Green Shakshuka.
I leave here the filmed recipe, and below you have all the details.
You need:
- 2 green onions
- a zucchini
- a green bell pepper
- a lawyer
- 200 g spinach
- 4 eggs
- Cayenne pepper
- olive oil
- parsley / coriander
- Cumin(for Arabic influences) / Green Pesto (2 tablespoons) – I chose to put Pesto.
If you have other green vegetables that you want to add, you can do it lightly. (eg leurd or dill)
Chop the green onion and put it to harden.
Chop the pepper and add it to the pan.
Grate the zucchini, put it on top. Add the spinach, cover the pan with a lid and let the vegetables cook (about 5 minutes). When the vegetables are ready, add the green pesto, salt and pepper. After mixing well, make a small hole between the vegetables and put an egg. We cover and let it cook depending on how hard / soft you want to serve them.
Meanwhile, cut the avocado and chop the parsley.
When the eggs are ready, garnish with avocado and parsley to taste.
A wonder!
Bon appetit!
If you like the recipe, I invite you to subscribe to my Youtube channel!
Don’t forget to ring the bell!
See you next Wednesday!
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