Sweet Potato Curry with Coconut Milk
Hello, dear ones.
No more Holidays and holiday vlogs, we start cooking again!
This week I suggest you cook together Curry with Sweet Potatoes and Coconut Milk. It may sound pretentious, but it’s extremely easy to make and most of all, it’s super delicious. It’s that dish you can’t stop eating even if you feel like snapping.
Here is the video with the recipe, and below I write all the details.
We will need:
- 250 grams of white rice
- 400 grams of boiled peas (I used canned ones)
- a medium cauliflower
- an onion
- 3 sweet potatoes
- 300 ml of tomato sauce
- 400 ml of coconut milk (canned)
- 4 teaspoons curry
- 4 cloves of garlic
- a teaspoon of chopped ginger
- a teaspoon of hot paprika
- salt
- a teaspoon of paprika
- oil
- 100 ml of water
First, we put the rice to boil. To a cup of rice, we put a cup of water. We leave it to boil as long as it needs and we will use it only at the end.
Heat the oil in the pan. I used a teaspoon of oil. Chop the onion and put it to harden in the pan, then add the garlic, ginger, curry, hot paprika, paprika and salt.
Then put the diced sweet potatoes in the pan. Meanwhile, cut the cauliflower into bunches and put it in the pan. Add 100 ml of water, cover with a lid and cook for about 10 minutes. During this time, stir from time to time in the pan. When we taste and see that the vegetables are soft and tasty we add the boiled peas, tomato sauce and coconut milk. Mix well and leave on the fire for another 5 minutes.
Put rice in a bowl and pour the goodness of the food from the pan. The rice will borrow all the flavors, simply delicious!
I hope you enjoy!
I invite you to subscribe to the youtube channel for more recipes.
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