How to make your own vegetable / plant milk (Cashew and Oat Milk Recipe)
Hello dears,
I am very happy to come to you this week with a recipe that I am convinced will be useful to you!
I know you’ve been waiting for her for a while, now it’s her turn.
Especially since we are fasting for Easter and there are many of you who are fasting, but also for those who have long since given up animal milk.
You will not be able to believe how easy, fast and cheap it is to make this milk at home.
I’m sure that once you try the recipe once, you will never buy plant milk from the store again.
Today I chose to make Caju milk (which has the same principle as Almonds but I prefer Caju because it is sweeter) and Oat milk. We have two alternatives, a slightly more expensive one (cashew milk) and an extremely cheap one (oat milk), even so the price does not compare if you bought it directly from the store.
Let me not add that it is made by you and has only innocent ingredients for you and your loved ones.
Here is the filmed recipe, and below I leave all the details.
For Cashew Milk we need:
- 150 g Hydrated Cashew (leave it in the water for at least 2 hours)
- sweeten with a tablespoon of honey / maple syrup / agave syrup / a date (depending on taste)
- a pinch of salt
- a liter of fresh water
- a drop of vanilla essence (optional)
For Oat Milk we need:
- 100 g oatmeal (one cup)
- sweeten with a tablespoon of honey / maple syrup / agave syrup / a date (depending on taste)
- a pinch of salt
- a liter of fresh water
- a drop of vanilla essence (optional)
For each milk we put the ingredients in the blender and mix for 1-2 minutes until the white and beautiful color of the milk begins to form. You will see that it also makes a delicious white foam! For cashew milk we have the option to strain it (and what is left we put on the porridge, in a cake or simply eat) or leave it undrained (I prefer it to be more consistent) and shake it well before using it.
Oat milk should be strained and also, I advise you not to throw away what is left because it can be used for porridge.
We put it in bottles and keep it in the fridge. It should be consumed in 3-4 days.
I sincerely hope you find it useful and enjoy the recipes!
If you like the recipe, I invite you to subscribe to my Youtube channel!
Don’t forget to ring the bell and share it with the person you would like to enjoy!
See you next Wednesday!
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